Remember the rhyme - "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never harm me." ?
Of course that is a total lie - words have power. That's why happiness is contagious, and so is misery. But we dont want misery here - only the absence of.
We want to wash the walls in JOY :
here is my sign, above, from the pavement, created from shaped twigs and some little leaves.
This is the perfect time to remember and renew love and happiness. Words hold power and change minds and direction. They are little shapes that shape lives and meanings. Everyone needs a little Expression in their lives :
Here is an idea worth contemplating
a fabulous cuff that does more than just look pretty from
Sign in a store - from a fun clothing mix store in Toronto Canada - talk about encouraging a naturally good feeling - this one makes me think of my yiddisha grandmother.....
Words grow our minds, our feelings and help us to share the good stuff and spread some cheer and happiness around. I love to see how artists and craftists (new word - cant keep saying crafter - sounds like a guy at a sheep farm in Scotland) and below not only a clever use of beautiful papers, they almost look like delicate painted eggshells, and nestled within a word to inspire: BELIEVE

Check out this wreath with paper and words from haru on Etsy, an array of artwords and forms to bring out the thinker or dreamer in us all.
What about creating your own out of found materials even pipe cleaners?
You can hang on the wall with string and branches or like a garland, or hang in the leaves or a xmas leaf garland. Remember spray paint is your friend. Its transforms junk to treasure with one quick swipe.
or try using those from wall words or one of the Etsy artists.
"Greetings Earthling"
" We COME in PEACE" or perhaps
"We come in PIECES"
OR one of my all time favorites
"Whirled Peas"
Peace, to you, too, this morning! Thanks for stopping by my place! I enjoyed your comment. :)
The "eat, we have all sizes" is just hilarious!
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