Monday, April 20, 2009

Outdoor ROOM

Summer seems to be here - the heat is rising !

Suddenly all the heavy clothes and dark and cluttered rooms are unbearable.

I was lucky enough to spend a couple days in Chicago. I am on the Board of IRIS -The largest and only non profit organization for International Redesigners and Stagers.
We have an incredible group of dedicated, passionate women who sit on the board, and it is a privilege to share this experience.
In between meetings and meals, and lots of decisions, we had time to be inspired by an amazing town, and friendly people.

And just like Goldie demonstrates above - when the heat rises inside its time to head out to those outdoor spaces.
Art, Color and function all play a role. The sky, ground and trees create the walls, floors and ceilings. What can be more delicious than a carpet of cool ground cover under foot?

A space is transformed by the placement, form and color. To create impact think outdoor art - The joy of coaxing a smile of surprise, from those that wander in.

Breathe deep and enjoy the magic smells and tastes that dazzle the eye - below I have assembled a couple of shots, from the many to make you think of how to add Drama to your simple or magnificent plot of land! Its not in the flick of the wrist, rather in the bold move of creating your own or buying a clever piece or two. And rustic junk can gain you points as you charm your acquaintances with your stylish wit and clever hands!
That old ugly piece, sitting discarded, is begging to be recreated into a conversation piece.

Chicago is a city with planning, somehow the air flows around the buildings and outdoor space and art rises with joy and variety! Space that allows room to move and to enjoy are key elements to a successful room outdoors. Sweet smells, comfortable seating, and shade are desirable too.

So start putting your elements together, to make the most of living out doors, without leaving your home.

More pictures and ideas to come.

1 comment:

Decor To Adore said...

Hey Jen,

I always thought you looked familiar to me. Were you at the IRIS San Antonio conference a few years ago?